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Manufacturing Execution Systems

Manufacturing Execution Systems

Why AG Solution for MES/MOM

To get under the skin of a business in order to appreciate the synergies between systems completely, it is crucial to work with a partner who understands manufacturing, who has years of knowledge and experience, and the certifications to prove it.

AG Solution Group is that partner. We are intentionally different because we combine deep industrial knowledge with a complete IT solution. We look at all ISA95 layers: from the ERP to the shop floor so we can define and design a strategy that is right for you and for your business, even if this implies the creation of customized functionalities.

Our team of experts guides you through the end-to-end process thanks to a clear roadmap.

Who benefits from MES/MOM?

Top management:

  • Global overview of production data multi-sites
  • Clear reasons on deviations

Plant managers:

  • Optimisation of production lines
  • Decreased production time
  • Increased supply chain response
  • Quality and resource KPIs
  • Delivery reliability
  • Decreased reporting effort
  • Improved process decision time
  • Statistical improvement motivation

Production manager

  • Multi department management
  • Global overview in real time
  • Bottleneck identification
  • Avoidance of unexpected shutdowns
  • True plant and line comparisons

Quality responsible

  • Automatic and paperless work instruction
  • Real-time alarms and alerts
  • Process traceability and batch genealogy
  • Reporting by exception
  • Customer complaint management
  • Root cause analyses
  • Gap detection for process needs


  • Failure prediction
  • Predictive optimized maintenance
  • Performance based maintenance plan (vs. time based)


  • Merger of quality steps with work instructions (SOP)
  • Ability to report events
  • Access to real-time information
  • Real-time alert notification

Types of projects undertaken

Validation of data
Implementation of calculations
Generation of tag list
Template selection
  • What elements need to be modelled?
  • What are the KPI's & other calculations that we must provide for these elements?

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