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Privacy policy

At AG Solution Group, the protection of your privacy is of the utmost importance to us.
We are committed to respect your privacy and to handle your personal date confidentially and with great care.

We want to inform you as much as possible about what happens with your personal data.
In this privacy policy you can find information about what kind of data we collect, why we do that, how we protect it and how you can exercise your privacy rights.

1. Responsibility

AG Solution Group is responsible for the processing of your personal data, which is collected via our services.

When you have questions or remarks regarding the processing of your personal data, you can always contact us via the details below.

Moerelei 125, B201, 2610, Antwerpen, België
+32 3 569 20 35

2. Who is protected by this privacy policy?

This privacy policy applies to all natural persons but does not apply to legal entities.

3. What kind of personal data do we process?

AG Solution processes the information that you provide(d) to us yourself during your visit to this Website or during the use of our services.

An overview of the personal data that we (possibly) process:

This then concerns personal data such as: Surname, first name, company name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, …

AG Solution Group will process your data:

  • When you become a customer
  • When you share data during the usage of our website(s): when you request an online offer or when you place an order, or when this is done for you by a deputy, …
  • When you apply via our website

Our website only processes personal data which you provided voluntarily via our website or via e-mail. This happens while respecting the General Data Protection Regulation.

4. Objective and foundation of the processing of personal data

AG Solution Group processes your personal data for various purposes, whereby we only process the data that are necessary to achieve the objective.
Your data are primarily used with the following aim:

  • To deliver the services that are requested by you within the execution of the contract that we have with you;
  • To communicate with you (e-mail, post, telephone, …) if this is necessary within the frame of our services;
  • To provide you with important information about our products and services, to give you the necessary notifications and to offer you marketing promotions;
  • To inform you about modifications of our General Conditions, or of this Privacy Policy;
  • To improve the functioning of our products and services and to enable us to individualize content and advertisements;
  • To help us develop, deliver and improve our products, services and content;
  • To debug and to perform other administrative tasks;
  • To control and analyze our user base and usage trends;
  • To handle your (possible) payments

5. Foundation for the processing

The legal basis or foundation of the processing of your personal data by AG Solution Group can be diverse:

  • Either the processing of your personal data is done based on your explicit permission.
  • Either to fulfill a legal obligation to which we are subject (such as the prevention of money laundering, the fight against fiscal fraud and fiscal obligations), for example, based on a legal command or in the frame of a legal lawsuit;
  • Either to fulfill a task of general importance or a task in the frame of the exercise of public authority that AG Solution Group has been commissioned to do.
  • Either for the representation of a legitimate interest by virtue of AG Solution Group, in which case there is a constant strive towards a balance between that interest and the respect of the privacy of the person concerned.

6. Minors

Our website and/or our services do not have the intention to collect data about website visitors who are younger than 16 years. Unless they have the permission of the responsible parental persons or if we are bound by the execution of our legal obligations.
We cannot check, however, if a visitor is older than 16 years. We therefore encourage parents and responsible parental persons to be actively involved in the online activities of their children. If you as a responsible parental person ascertain that your child has provided personal data to us, you can contact us via

7. Sharing personal data with third parties

It is possible that AG Solution Group shares your personal data with third parties, although only in the way that is described in these policy rules:

Your personal data are anyway never sold to third parties.
We also do not give permission to marketing companies to collect data for direct marketing via our services.

The sharing of your personal data with third parties happens exclusively

  • So far as this is necessary for our services and/or the execution of the agreement you have with us. For some aspects of our products and services, we work with strategic and reliable partners, third parties that render certain services commissioned by AG Solution Group that allow us to provide and improve our services.
    For each case, a suitable and clear process agreement is made with each of these companies, whereby they commit themselves to not use the data that is entrusted to them independently. In that way we assure that your data are processed with the same level of security and confidentiality as it is done by us.
  • Or in case we have a legitimate interest, or are bound to on the grounds of a legal provision or a court decision.
  • Or to our possible legal successors and affiliated companies (such as subsidiary and sister companies), in case of a fusion or a takeover. Again provided that a preceding agreement exists in which the protection of personal data is enforced, and of course for the same purposes as are mentioned in this privacy policy.
  • Or in case you give us permission to do this.

If AG Solution Group would share your personal data with third parties, in another way than is described above, then this will happen with an explicit communication in which information is provided about the third party, the objectives and the transfer and processing. Where it is required by law, we will obtain your explicit permission. You also always have the possibility to object.

8. Viewing, adjusting, deleting and transferring data

In accordance with the applicable regulation you have principally:

  • The right to (at any time and free of charge) consult and have access to your personal data and the essential information related to the processing (objectives of the processing, categories of data that are processed, etc. …).
  • The right to correct or delete your data personal data, namely when those data are no longer necessary with a view to the purposes for which they were collected/processed or when you withdraw your permission;
  • The right to withdraw your possible permission for the data processing
  • The right to oppose the processing of the data that are related to you in certain specific cases, including processing for the purpose of direct marketing; In that case we will no longer process your data, unless for legitimate and compelling reasons that preponderate over your interests and rights and liberties or if the processing is related to the establishment, execution or substantiation of a legal claim;
  • The right to oppose automated individual decision-making and profiling;
  • The right to ask to limit the processing, namely when you dispute the correctness of the data, during a period that gives us the possibility to check the correctness of that data;
  • And the right of transferability of your personal data. This means you can ask us to transfer these to another processing responsible and, if technically possible, to obtain that the data are transferred directly from the one processing responsible to the other.

You can send a request for insight into, correction of, deleting, data transfer of your personal data or a request for withdrawal of your permission or opposition to the processing of your personal data to To ensure that the request for insight is done by you, we ask you to send a copy of your ID together with the request. Make sure to blacken in this copy your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of your passport), passport number and civilian service number (BSN). This is for the protection of your privacy.

We aim to respond to your request as soon as possible, at least within 30 days after receiving your request, and when AG Solution Group has received all requested information to meet your request. Depending on the complexity of the requests and the number of requests, this term can be prolonged with another two months. In that case, we will notify you.

You can exercise your rights freely unless your request is clearly unfounded or excessive, namely because of the repetitive character. In that case, we have the right and the choice to charge you a reasonable fee (whereby the administrative costs to provide the requested info and the costs related to taking the requested measures will be taken into account) or to refuse to meet your request.

You have to keep in mind that AG Solution Group, depending on your request, cannot offer certain services, or will possibly not be obliged to meet your request for insight, correction, deleting or transfer. This because of our legal obligations, reasons of gerenal importance, for the establishment, execution or substantiation of a legal claim or the justified exercise of the right of freedom of speech and/or information.

In case you have any reason to assume that AG Solution Group has not handled your request correctly, please contact us first via so we can discuss the options together with you.

9. Retention period of personal data

AG Solution Group saves your personal data no longer than strictly necessary in order to be able to provide our services and to achieve our objectives for which your data are collected (see point 4).

In order to determine the correct retention period, we take into account the amount, the nature and the sensitivity of the personal data, the reason for which we process them and if we can achieve those objectives in other ways.

This means that the data are saved in any case during the whole duration of your agreement.

After ending our services, the files and the personal data associated with it will be saved for a period that is determined based on laws, as well as on liability and underwritten considerations.

The period during which your data are being saved will never be longer than five years after the end of the contractual relation with the processing responsible.
If we do not longer need to use your data, and there is no need for us to save it in order to meet legal or regulatory obligations, we will erase the information from our system, or we will anonymize it so that we cannot identify you.

Furthermore, you can always ask us to delete your data. In this case we refer to preceding point 8.

10. Transfer outside the European Economic Space?

In principle, this does not happen.

In case certain data do get saved or transferred outside the European Economic Space, this will happen exclusively for the purposes that are described in point 4 above. [That transfer can be executed via service providers that are established outside the territory such as those that are mentioned in point 7 above or via a server that is situated outside this territory.] In any case, so far as personal data are processed outside the European Economic Space, we ensure via contractual or other measures that those data get the appropriate protection level comparable to the protection that they would get in the European Economic Space, conform to the European regulations.

11. Security of personal data

AG Solution Group takes the protection of your personal data serious, and takes all appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification.

We work with different security technologies and procedures, in a controlled environment with restricted access. The access to your personal data is only allowed to persons who need this data for the execution of their tasks. They have to take a strict duty of confidentiality into account and they have to comply with all the technical and organizational regulations for the insurance of the confidentiality of the personal data.

If you have the impression that your data are not well protected or if there are indications of abuse, please contact our customer service or via

12. No automated decision-making

AG Solution Group does not take decisions based on automated processing about affairs that can have (considerable) consequences for persons.

13. Cookies, or comparable techniques

Apart from the data that you voluntarily share with us when using our Website and our services, we use cookies and other technological means to collect data.


What are cookies?

We use cookies when you open our e-mails and/or when you use your Website. Cookies are pieces of information that are saved on your own computer or mobile device and that optimizes the usability. By doing so you, as a visitor, can be identified during your next visit and then we can tune our websites to your wishes, preferences and usability.

What kind of cookies do we use?

  • Essential cookies: are necessary to allow an application to function, and to ensure a safe identity control. For example, navigation on the website, the content of your shopping cart, access to personal data …
  • Functional cookies: keep track of information about your choices and preferences on a website, and provide you that way a personalized surfing experience by remembering, for example, login names, passwords, the content of your shopping cart and preferences – such as the language settings.
  • Analytical cookies: collect anonymous information about the behavior of website visitors and the performance of the website, without being able to identity the visitors. Based on the results, the website can be improved and the visitors get a better user experience.
  • Marketing cookies: follow the surfing behavior of the website visitor and create a user profile based on this. This profile is used to make the surfing experience more personal and to show personalized offers, advertisements, newsletters and such that correspond to your interests.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically but you can change your browser settings so that cookies are refused or deleted. Moreover, you can delete all the information that has been previously saved via the settings of your browser.
Please take into account that when you refuse or delete cookies, some parts of website might not work properly.

13.2. We can also use web beacons or other standard technologies such as pixeltags to help us analyze your use of the Website. Pixeltags and web beacons are extremely small graphic images that are placed on certain pages on our website or in our e-mails to allow us to check if you have performed a certain action. When you open these pages or open or click on an e-mail, these pixeltags and web beacons generate a non-personal identifiable notification of this action.

14. Application

These policies are applicable to AG Solution Group and to all services that are provided by them.

These policies are, however, not applicable to services that are provided by other companies or individuals, including products or websites that can be shown to you when opening or using the AG Solution Group Website. For example, our AG Solution Group Website sometimes refers to links of websites of third parties (social media, organizers of events that we sponsor), and of which the user conditions are explicitly not covered by the scope of this privacy policy. We advise you to read the policy regarding the protection of your personal data of all such parties, products and/or websites carefully.

15. Adjustments

AG Solution Group can adjust this privacy policy in due time.

We always communicate the most recent version on our website (, and we invite you to consult this regularly. The date of the latest adjustment is on top of this document. Older versions are saved in our archive.
We will inform you, of course, about every content-related change via our websites or other common communication channels.

16. National supervisor

Complaints in case of violation of the applicable rules regarding the protection of personal data can be directed towards the national supervisor. This can be done via the following contact details:

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel
+32 (0)2 274 48 00
+32 (0)2 274 48 35

17. Questions

If you have questions or remarks regarding this privacy policy of AG Solution Group, you can send them to