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Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

Discover how Operational Intelligence can give you your ideal cup of coffee

A piece of PI and a cup of coffee


The perfect cup of coffee is relative. Some like it mild, others bitter or strong. Factors such as the bean type, its brewing and roasting determine what is your ideal coffee. Unless you are a barista or coffee producer, getting your ideal cup from home is a difficult task.

But what would happen if you use advanced PI coding and a home coffee roaster to have your ideal beans? That was what Wybren van der Meer thought about. As a Regional Leader of Operational Intelligence at AG Solution, and a coffee roaster aficionado, he understands the relation between operational intelligence and the perfect cup of coffee.

"This is a good example of variables that heavily impact the end result of your production, where you want to apply advanced analytics to gather operational intelligence", says Wybren. "For the coffee roasting process to be under control, it’s important to check the duration of the roast (which controls the bitterness), the speed at which it heats up, and the end temperature of the bean".

Per bean origin, moisture content, growth conditions and bean size are different. Comparing these, you can see that the trends used in the roasting phase lead to a “Golden Batch” where multiple variables are taken into account to compare, and steer, the roasting process. This a great example of a solution built on historian platforms, such as Osisoft PI, and the power of advanced analytics.

The correct use of your data gives you your desired results. The ideal batch in your production plant is the same as your ideal cup of coffee. It is different for each company, and there are many variables that must be considered in order to determine the best way to obtain a golden batch. 

"Filtering your data after entry, using smart buffering, and using proper display control is one of the many answers applied in our solutions that makes the difference, and ensures you draw the right lessons (intelligence) from your processes (operations)", concludes Wybren.

The strategic use of the data obtained in your production line will give you your golden batch. Data helps you understand your process, make improvements, establish timelines, and decrease production downtime. 

After all, a golden batch is like your ideal cup of coffee in the morning: your day is better when you have it

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