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OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE: Actual or Estimated Efficiency?

OEE & Golden Batch


One of the first steps in every industry that wants to move towards 4.0 is having automated productivity and efficiency measurement systems. Today, any manufacturer can find opportunities for improvement if the challenge of detecting and analysing non-productive time intervals and micro-stops is overcome.

Industrial OEE: the standard of manufacturing efficiency

When studying the parameters of the OEE, you get an overall look of the availability, performance and quality of the machine or line. One of the main purposes of the OEE is to obtain maximum productivity from the manufacturing processes. This directly impacts the improvement of ROI in any investment in machinery.

In today’s industry, OEE calculation has become the solution that allows the production and continuous improvement teams to increase the efficiency of their assets and lines.

The OEE measurement function consists of three variables:

  1. Availability: execution time vs. total planned production time.
  2. Performance: ratio of net execution vs. execution time.
  3. Quality: ratio of correct units vs. total number.

These three KPI’s cannot identify the cause of unscheduled shutdowns. However…

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