Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 - a modular program to upskill your team
The planning and implementation of Industry 4.0 initiatives is not an easy task. You need the right skills and expertise to face the challenges that industrial transformation brings.
Together with ESEIAAT, part of Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, AG Solution created a new curriculum on Industry 4.0. Course participants will learn about the main concepts of smart manufacturing and how to plan, design and execute a digitalization strategy.
Our modular program is open to manufacturers, graduate schools, and universities.
Contact us now