Will smart data soon purify your water too?
We collect plenty of data that we can use smartly to predict the result of production.
Water-link, Belgium
Water-link, Belgium
Water-link, Belgium
Water-link, Belgium
Water-link, Belgium
Water-link, Belgium
Water-link, Belgium
Water-link, Belgium
Water-link, Belgium
Turnkey software project
Every year, AWW (member of the Water-Link, a partnership between AWW and TMVW) provides nearly 150 million cubic meters of water to over 700,000 families. So, it’s only logical that the company uses a state-of-the-art automation platform. When the existing platform needed an upgrade, Water-Link chose AG Solution. Our assignment: upgrade the existing system to a higher level while considering as many process requirements as possible.
As always, we started the partnership with Water-Link from the customer’s needs. Via the upgrade, Water-Link wanted to make its sites completely controllable. In addition, traceability was important to them, and the system had to be constantly available. For that, you need a sophisticated high-tech infrastructure. And that’s precisely our core business.
AG Solution’s expertise in the fields of process automation and industrial ICT turned out to be a crucial advantage, as well as the fact that they look to the longer term,” says Water-Link’s Dirk Smets, responsible engineering department AWW. “AG Solution has already proven that they know how to successfully tackle such large scale projects, which must be approached structurally and thoroughly. They did that, for example, by defining and aligning the architecture for the redundant hardware, network and software of this project.”
Water-Link also wanted to be certain of a perfect implementation. We were able to guarantee them that all risks were under control. We use a methodological and carefull approach and make a risk analysis for each project phase. Plus, we always have a Plan B and C ready.
AG Solution also guarantees quality and continuity by using several working methods. Engineers check each other’s work during the various phases of the project. Checklists ensure that all quality checks are made. One of the benefits of this is that several engineers know the project – which means that we can better support our customer as well.