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Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment

Ensuring NIS compliance for an OT environment


Read this case study on how we helped our client align with the NIS directive requirements.


Our client was an operator of essential services that needed to ensure it was complying with all new NIS directive requirements, specifically in the OT environment.

This required System Vulnerability management, network segmentation, optimization, and OT specific monitoring. In addition, access and authentication management, and backup and Disaster Recovery processes were also needed.


Our OT Security experts performed a complete audit of all documentation, system setup (network topology, access/authentication) and ongoing security approach for the OT environment.

They also created an "as is" status report that identified the primary concerns and gaps in the NIS directive, allowing them to identify the primary focus points for further action.

As a final step, they developed a plan to improve maturity levels toward NIS requirements.


  • Clear insight into their current setup.
  • The customer was provided with a plan to evolve in a more secure direction, including different steps to take and what it means regarding NIS directive maturity levels and compliance.
  • Customer is aware of what they can take internally and what AG Solution can work on together with them.
  • Clear insight in OT oriented tools and processes on IAM, vulnerability management and OT network security monitoring.

Would you like to know how can we halp you with the NIS compliance at your plant?

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